
Friday Apr 10, 2020
All Will Know That I Am The Lord
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
"...When God plagued the Egyptians, it was to make them know that He is the Lord; when He provided for the Israelites, it was to make them know that He was their God." (John Wesley's Notes On The Bible)

Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Living An "Almost" Christian Life
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
Wednesday Mar 18, 2020
"There is only one way of proving to ourselves that we know God, and that is by loving obedience to His will." "There is no real knowledge of God, no fellowship with Him, without practical conformity to His will." (The Preacher's Homiletic Commentary) We are living in a time when True Christianity is being distorted to fit the lusts of the people. So many are claiming to be Christians, when in all actuality, they are not. Many are claiming to know God when, according to God's Word - which cannot lie - they do not know Him at all! Do you truly know God? Do you have eternal life? Is the truth within you? It is crucial that you know, for your eternal soul is at stake here.

Monday Mar 09, 2020
My God, We Know Thee
Monday Mar 09, 2020
Monday Mar 09, 2020
"Knowledge of God is of little value if it does not lead to obedience." (The Preacher's Homiletic Commentary) Do you truly know the Lord? Or are you like Israel in that you have "cast off the thing that is good" - you have "cast off" His influence in your life? In the day of trouble, be sure that you are not found to be the 1) Heartless Professor, 2) Distracted Professor, 3) False Professor, or 4) Hollow Professor! Because there is only one who gets the ear of God, and that is, the True Professor!

Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Then Shall We Know
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
Tuesday Feb 25, 2020
"What is the great aim and destiny of my being? Why was I ever born? Why am I preserved to this day? Why am I redeemed? Why am I furnished with all my powers and capabilities? Is it for time, or for eternity? Whether it be for time or for eternity, what is the focus of my being? - its sources, its essence, its design, its resting-place! My Creator, my God. To know Him as my Beloved...that is man's destiny." (Nisbet's Church Pulpit Commentary)

Thursday Feb 13, 2020
A Radical Change Required
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
Thursday Feb 13, 2020
"None but the Creator can give a man a new heart, the change is too radical for any other hand. It would be hard to give a new eye, or a new arm, but a new heart is still more out of the question. The Lord Himself must do it." (The Biblical Illustrator)

Friday Jan 31, 2020
It Is Not Good
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
"A man may be ignorant of mathematics, astronomy, and geology, without suffering much; but to be ignorant of God, the chief and highest good, is to rob ourselves of happiness and expose ourselves to death." (Preacher's Homiletic Commentary)

Thursday Jan 23, 2020
No Guarantee For Social Order And Peace
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
Thursday Jan 23, 2020
"'The knowledge of God in the land' is essential to the well-being of a nation. Where God is unknown, where men live without God in the world, where His knowledge is suffered to lapse, and the rising generation are trained with no fear of God before their eyes - their vice and crime will be rampant and unchecked, and there will be no guarantee for social order and peace." (The Pulpit Commentary)

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Our Churches Are Full Of Monsters
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
"The command is one sorely needed in the present state of our average Christianity. Our churches are full of monsters, specimens of arrested growth, dwarfs, who have scarcely grown since they were babes, infants all their lives. I come to you with a very plain question: Have you any more of Christ's beauty in your characters, any more of His grace in your hearts, any more of His truth in your minds than you had a year ago, ten years ago, or at that far-off period when some of you grey-headed men first professed to be Christians? Have you experienced so many things in vain? Have the years taught you nothing?" (Alexander MacLaren)

Thursday Nov 21, 2019
For This Cause Believers Live
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Thursday Nov 21, 2019
Is this your hope and purpose in life - to abide in God and to abide in the fullness of His Spirit - so that His power and goodness might be clearly manifested in your life - so that the next generation will be inspired to seek earnestly God's kingdom and His righteousness? Do you realize that - however old or young you are - as a disciple of Christ - you owe a debt to the succeeding generations? David served his generation. You are to do so as well. Like David, resolve to share what you have been taught through life's experiences. Show God's strength and power to every one that is to come.

Thursday Nov 07, 2019
How To Pray When In Battle
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
Thursday Nov 07, 2019
"There is nothing in this world greater than the Most High. He deserves our deepest loyalty and most fervent praise." (The Names Of God) Are you facing a battle right now? Are you in a warfare with the enemy of your soul? Then do as David did and resolve to "cry unto God." Appeal to His character. Address Him as "God Most High" - El Elyon - and as the "God Who performeth all things for you." This is your key to winning the battle!