
Friday Mar 07, 2014
Why Will Ye Die?
Friday Mar 07, 2014
Friday Mar 07, 2014
"Produce your cause, saith the Lord; bring forth your strong reasons, 'Why will ye die?' This inquiry implies that man should have some reason for persisting in the way that leads to death. It also implies that he has not a satisfactory reason. It is, perhaps, designed to bring man to pause and lead him to consider his ways, and to ask himself why he pursues the way of death. There is no satisfactory reason why men will die. Peristence in sin is utter and suicidal folly." (Pulpit Commentary) God is crying out today to all those who are away from Him, while inquiring - "Why will you die?" Some have chosen the way of death due to their love of sin... rejection of the Truth... persistence in disobedience ...utter selfishness...and desire for the "good life" at whatever cost. You will be judged "according to your ways." What are they saying about you today?

Friday Feb 28, 2014
Tools With A Purpose
Friday Feb 28, 2014
Friday Feb 28, 2014
"The Scriptures tell us that we are God's husbandry. Just as the farmer uses many tools in order to bring about a substantial harvest, even so does God have many spiritual tools that He uses to bring about an eternal work in us. Matthew Henry said - 'Afflictions are God's threshing-instrument, designed to loosen us from the world, to separate between us and our chaff, and to prepare us for use. And, as to these, God will make use of them as there is occasion...herein we must acknowledge Him wonderful in counsel and excellent in working.'"

Friday Feb 21, 2014
We All Need Help
Friday Feb 21, 2014
Friday Feb 21, 2014
"A woman said to Evangelist D.L. Moody - 'I have found a promise that
helps me when I am afraid. It is Psalm 56:3 which says - What time I am
afraid, I will trust in Thee.'
'Mr. Moody replied - 'I have a better promise than that! It is Isaiah 12:2 which says - I will trust and not be afraid.'"
The woman in this story chose to trust God as the occasion arose.
However, D.L. Moody chose to remain - at all times - in an attitude of
Who are you more like - the
woman or the evangelist?

Tuesday Feb 18, 2014
God Of A Second Chance
Tuesday Feb 18, 2014
Tuesday Feb 18, 2014
"Is it not falsehood which corrupts the world? Truth is the essential base for all social happiness. The world is dying of lies, false promises, corrupted motives, pretense, posing - the thousand forms which falsehood takes in men and organizations of men. Nations die for want of Truth." (E.M. Blaiklock - Commentary On Psalms)

Friday Feb 07, 2014
I Will Help You
Friday Feb 07, 2014
Friday Feb 07, 2014
The Christian life is a warfare, a struggle, a fight of faith. Every Christian is called to be a soldier. Hence, he is not meant to live a life of religious ease, indolence, or security. The hosts of Satan are committed to hindering and obstructing the work of Christ and to knock the soldier out of combat. The more effective a believer is for the Lord, the more he will experience the savage attacks of the enemy. His success depends entirely on believing.

Friday Jan 31, 2014
Make A Difference
Friday Jan 31, 2014
Friday Jan 31, 2014
" 'If we are too much like the world, we are useless. Christians should not blend in with everyone else. Jesus tells us, as He told His disciples, that we must be different if we want to make a difference. We dare not allow the world to dilute our effectiveness. If we do, we are of no value to Him.' (Life Application Bible Commentary) Jesus did not call the Church to be conciliatory to society. In other words, He did not call them to be 'sugar' to the world. He called them to be 'salt' and 'light.' It behooves every Christian to be attentive to the high and holy calling to which they are called."

Sunday Jan 26, 2014
When Times Are Very Bad
Sunday Jan 26, 2014
Sunday Jan 26, 2014
Though men are false, God is faithful. Though men are not to be trusted, God is. When are the times bad - very bad? Some would say when there are no jobs.. when there is a scarcity of money...a decay of trade...or the desolation of wars. However, the Scriptures say otherwise - it is when iniquity abounds. In Psalm 12, David specifically offers us five (5) indications of when the times are bad - very bad. Listen to this podcast to see how these relate to the days in which we are presently living.

Tuesday Jan 21, 2014
Light Up My Eyes
Tuesday Jan 21, 2014
Tuesday Jan 21, 2014
Are you suffering today? Does there seem to be no intermission to your troubles? Does it seem as though God has forgotten you, turned His face from you, and your enemies are winning the battle? This message will give you the key to see your sorrows turned into joy and your sighs turned into songs of praise.