
Friday May 16, 2014
What Will You Do?
Friday May 16, 2014
Friday May 16, 2014
"Who with icy breath blights the fair blossom of youth? Who breaks the
hearts of parents? Who brings old men's gray hairs with sorrows to the
grave? - SIN
Who...changes gentle children into vipers, tender mothers into monsters,
and their fathers into worse than Herods, the murderers of their own
innocents? - SIN
Who turns the soft and gentlest heart to stone? Who hurls reason from
her lofty throne and impels sinners mad as Gadarenes' swine, down the
precipice, into a lake of
fire? - SIN" (Dr. Thomas Guthrie)
Sin is madness! It is derangement! It is insanity! It is not something
to be taken lightly or to be "swept under the rug" - so to speak. Sin
must be hated as God hates it! What makes it utterly abominable in His
sight is when it seeks to veil its vileness by the cloak of religion.

Friday May 09, 2014
Quiet! God At Work!
Friday May 09, 2014
Friday May 09, 2014
"Either all things work together for our good, or nothing makes sense. So let's be bold about it. Let's either be tranformed Christians or bitter skeptics because we cannot just sort of believe. We either believe it or we doubt it. There is no middle ground." (Raymond Ortlund) God is in control! He is at work! He is working together "all things" in your life for your good. He hasn't forgotten you! He isn't against you! He is for you and loves you! Be confident that He will never disappoint you.

Saturday May 03, 2014
Finish What Was Started
Saturday May 03, 2014
Saturday May 03, 2014
"The same God Who begins must Himself complete the work." (Jamieson, Fausset and Brown) Has God given you "an open and effectual door"? Have you quit the "work of faith" due to the "many adversaries"? God is saying to you today - "Get up! Start again! My power began the work, and My power will carry on and perfect it. The 'door" is still open. Finish the task! Work until I - Alpha and Omega - the First and the Last - shut the 'door.' "

Friday Apr 25, 2014
All Is Well
Friday Apr 25, 2014
Friday Apr 25, 2014
Just as the Lord sent the Prophet Isaiah with a "word" to comfort His people against their fears, the Lord has sent me with a "prophetic word" to you today to comfort you against all of your fears. That word is - "All is well and will end well." You can be assured of this because of God's Presence in your life and His Promise to you. Throughout history, "Immanuel" has always been the enduring watchword for the people of God. The plans of the enemy will not come to pass over your life because God is with you!

Friday Apr 18, 2014
God's Friday
Friday Apr 18, 2014
Friday Apr 18, 2014
"God only is good, and there is none essentially, originally, and unchangeably good, but God only. His goodness is of and from Himself, and all the goodness in the creature is from Him; He is the fountain of goodness, and whatever the streams are, all the springs are in Him. He is the great Pattern and Sample of goodness; by Him all goodness is to be measured; that is good which is like Him, and agreeable to His mind. We, in our language, call Him God, because He is good." (Matthew Henry)

Friday Apr 11, 2014
Is Your Name In The Book?
Friday Apr 11, 2014
Friday Apr 11, 2014
"This sense of a final, universal judgment is strangely lacking among people today. Most of our pulpits are silent on the matter. Yet, every great revival in the history of the church has brought with it a renewed sense of the final Day of Judgment. As revivalists like Jonathan Edwards, George Whitfield, and Charles Finney warned their hearers to flee from the wrath to come, the Word of God fell like a hammer and untold thousands turned to the Savior while there was yet time. If revival is to come to the church again today, we too must recapture the truth that all will stand before our divine Judge." (The Preacher's Commentary) Jesus, Paul, and John all spoke of the awesome Day of Judgment. John mentioned specifically the Lamb's Book of Life in relation to the Final Judgment. Is your name written in this book?

Monday Apr 07, 2014
Rebels Against God
Monday Apr 07, 2014
Monday Apr 07, 2014
A rebellious people want you to flatter them in their sins. They want you to tell them that all will be well - that no harm or evil will come to them even though they are living in sin. They want to hear of peace, prosperity, and success when destruction is at hand. They want to believe a lie and avoid the truth... dodge the consequences...avoid God as the Holy One of Israel...or make up a god of their own imagination. Are we living in the midst of a "rebellious" people? Are you one of them?

Friday Mar 28, 2014
A Bold Threat
Friday Mar 28, 2014
Friday Mar 28, 2014
"Boldness is something that is lacking among the average Christian today. Most do not act like lions. They seem almost scared sometimes to let people know they are Christians." (Peter Wade) Those who are "of God" are "bold as a lion." When several were asked - "How can the righteous be bold as a lion?" - one person responded - "By not being afraid to be different than everyone around them. In today's world, it's often looked down upon, or at least considered uncool or weird to try to live a pure life, and so it does take courage from God to stand up for what you believe in and not do what everyone around you is doing." Are you "of God"? Are you "bold as a lion"? Are you a bold threat to the kingdom of darkness?

Friday Mar 21, 2014
Where Is Your Focus?
Friday Mar 21, 2014
Friday Mar 21, 2014
"The great difficulty on earth everywhere is a 'want of confidence in God' - and this has produced all the ills that man has ever suffered." (Barnes' Notes) Did you know that your focus affects your faith? The two blind men, the centurion, and the woman of Canaan all had their focus on Jesus. Consequently, they all heard Him say in a sense - "According to your faith be it unto you." Abraham kept his focus on the character of God - knowing that He was willing and able to fulfill His promise. The people of Nazareth, on the other hand, had a wrong focus of Jesus which resulted in the power of God being hindered in their midst. Where is your focus today?

Friday Mar 14, 2014
God Is Looking For...
Friday Mar 14, 2014
Friday Mar 14, 2014
"What God looks for mainly in His people is confidence; faithfulness; trust; fidelity." (Barnes' Notes) "A faithful minister of Jesus Christ is one that sincerely designs his Master's honor, not his own; delivers the whole counsel of God, not his own fancies and conceits; follows Christ's institutions, and adheres to them; regards the meanest, reproves the greatest, and doth not respect persons." (Matthew Henry) The quality most needed and important to those in whom a trust is committed is Faithfulness. As a Christian or as a Minister of the Gospel, has God entrusted much into your hands? Then to whom much is given, much is required. God sees you today as being FAITHFUL or UNFAITHFUL! Which is it?