
Friday Jul 25, 2014
Coming With Hard Questions
Friday Jul 25, 2014
Friday Jul 25, 2014
"To be wise in trying times is a special gift of God, and to Him we must seek for it." (Matthew Henry) There is a desperate need for wisdom today. In a sense, there is a cry coming forth from the hearts of the people saying - "I don't know how to cope...I don't know how I am going to make it through another day..." The church needs wisdom in order to answer the world's "hard questions." The world needs to light their candle at the church's lamp.

Friday Jul 18, 2014
To Possess This Peace
Friday Jul 18, 2014
Friday Jul 18, 2014
"How desirable in a world of anxiety and care, to possess this peace!" (Barnes' Notes) The world has a semblance of peace to offer you. But it is false, external, transient, unstable, short-lived, and cannot support you under your troubles. JESUS' peace, on the other hand, is true, solid, substantial, internal, lasting, durable, and can carry you through all your difficulties. And best of all, His peace drives away all fears - something the world could never do!

Friday Jul 11, 2014
3 Timely Directives
Friday Jul 11, 2014
Friday Jul 11, 2014
There are two words that we, as a fast paced society, know nothing about. We are generally too busy to rest and have too many things to accomplish throughout the day in order to wait. No one seems to have the time to slow down and rest. Certainly, no one wants to wait. This is the way it is in our society. However, this is not the way it is in the Kingdom of God.

Tuesday Jul 08, 2014
Get Out Of The Line!
Tuesday Jul 08, 2014
Tuesday Jul 08, 2014
Are you following that which is evil? Is there a bell-wether raised up by Satan - seeking to pull you away from God and everything that pertains to His kingdom and righteousness? Is there someone whom you are mimicking, copying, or emulating who is actually teaching you rebellion and causing you to believe lies instead of the Truth? Is your destination the slaughterhouse? You can stop that today! Get out of the line!

Friday Jun 27, 2014
Will The Promise Be Fulfilled?
Friday Jun 27, 2014
Friday Jun 27, 2014
"God never undertakes to do something He can't carry out. When He makes a promise, He will always carry it through. He has never made a promise to us that He will ever have to explain away afterwards. He will never say 'I meant to do that, but circumstances would not permit.'...God never fails to keep His promises. He is able to perform every one, and Christ is the Amen to every promise of God." (Ironside Commentary) Just like Abram, you can see the fulfillment of the promise of God to you. Start by giving glory to God - taking Him to be what He really is - Almighty and Faithful. You will find that you will not stagger at the promise of God through unbelief, but be 'strong in faith' - 'fully persuaded that what He had promised, He is able also to perform.' "

Friday Jun 20, 2014
Give Him No Rest
Friday Jun 20, 2014
Friday Jun 20, 2014
God is the Hearer and Answerer of prayer. Oftentimes, before the answer comes, something that is displeasing to Him must be taken away. Oftentimes, it is in relation to how we treat our fellow man. Prayer definitely has hindrances. Both sin and indolence will cause your prayers to not be heard. Just as the watchman keeps watch diligently, God is requiring you to be unceasing in the discharge of your duty to pray. His word to the Church is the same as Isaiah's word to Israel - "Give Him no rest." Intercede unceasingly for the establishment of His kingdom and Jesus' righteous rule on the earth.

Friday Jun 13, 2014
The Cry Of The Fatherless
Friday Jun 13, 2014
Friday Jun 13, 2014
There is a cry going forth in today's society. Can you hear it? It is the cry of the fatherless. They are crying out - "Who am I? What is my name? Why was I born? Who will love me...who will accept me...who will believe in me...who will convince me that I am special...that my life is valuable?" As a child of God, you don't need to cry the cry of the fatherless - as so many are in today's society. You have not received the spirit of bondage to fear. You have a new cry. It is the cry stirred up by the Spirit of adoption - the Holy Spirit - causing you to now cry out to your Heavenly Father - "Abba, Father."

Friday Jun 06, 2014
Time To Dream Again
Friday Jun 06, 2014
Friday Jun 06, 2014
"Pentecost is the time to dream." (David Lose) God's Spirit enables you to dream. He helps you see the possibilities that you have not seen before. Hence, Pentecost is a good time to dream. It is a good time to see beyond the oppressive conditions which surround you that say - "This is the way it is; this is the way it will always be." Some are afraid to dream - lest they be disappointed. But God has more for you than fear. He is saying to you today - "It's time to dream again! It's Pentecost!"

Friday May 30, 2014
Stop This Perversion
Friday May 30, 2014
Friday May 30, 2014
In our day and time, the Gospel is being perverted in so many different ways. The Message of Holiness is being opposed - insomuch that the straight ways of the Lord are being twisted into the crooked ways of sin. Self-seeking and Arrogant "Wolves" are twisting the Scriptures in order to gain a following. People are receiving a Gospel that does not mention or require repentance or a change in lifestyle. And lastly, in the Prophetic Realm, there are some Prophets who are inventing new messages that cater to the people's wants and desires - while ignoring the word of rebuke that is desperately needed.

Tuesday May 27, 2014
No More Blending
Tuesday May 27, 2014
Tuesday May 27, 2014
Where...oh, where is the preaching that discerns - that cuts to the heart - that makes a distinction between that which is holy and unholy...clean and unclean ...and that certainly and without a doubt exposes who is righteous and who is wicked - who is serving God and who is not? The Holy Spirit is saying - "No more blending! No more blending!" Make up your mind! What is it going to be? Are you going to be holy or are you going to be unholy? Are you going to preach holiness or are you going to preach the allowance for sin? Is it going to be JESUS or is it going to be the world?