
Friday Dec 19, 2014
Why So Little Wonder?
Friday Dec 19, 2014
Friday Dec 19, 2014
Why is there so little wonder in the world today? In the church today? Consider these reasons - people are focused on their problems...we live in a mechanical and commercial world...everyone is so busy...and so many are settling for substitutes. Lately, have you pondered the "Wonder of Christmas"? Allow me to open up the Scriptures and show you the "wonder of Christ" in Christmas. Then allow Him to touch you and make your life wonderful because His Name is Wonderful!

Friday Dec 12, 2014
A Christmas Charge
Friday Dec 12, 2014
Friday Dec 12, 2014
More than ever - there are those who want to quench the Christmas message of - "God becoming a man." They say that they are offended by the Nativity scenes. They are offended when we say - "Merry Christmas." They are offended by the Christmas celebrations, plays, festivals, and carols. But, as New Testament saints, we cannot be silent! We cannot fail the Old Testament saints who waited and longed for the coming of Messiah! We cannot let God down Who gave us so great a salvation in His Son - JESUS! As the carol says - "Go tell it on the mountain, over the hills, and everywhere, that JESUS Christ is born!"

Friday Dec 05, 2014
Empty Shoulders
Friday Dec 05, 2014
Friday Dec 05, 2014
"The government shall be upon His shoulder" Did you know that most problems in life stem from not placing the "government" of your life on JESUS' shoulder? Many Christians are exhausted today from trying to repair all the broken people or messed-up situations all around them. Many are worn-out from trying to solve every one else's problems as well as their own. Then there are those who are fighting God's "government" - they are either refusing to surrender an area in their lives or their entire lives to the Lord. Consequently, they find themselves oppressed of the oppressor. You have a choice! Either surrender your all and place it on JESUS' shoulder or bear the yoke, staff, and rod of the oppressor on your own shoulder.

Tuesday Nov 25, 2014
Did You Get The Message?
Tuesday Nov 25, 2014
Tuesday Nov 25, 2014
"God is light." That is the message. That is the substance of all that JESUS said. That is the Grand Message of the Gospel. That is the principle on which the happiness of man depends. Do you understand that "message"? Do you understand that God can never do anything but what is right? How about when you are facing seeming inequalities or when life seems so hard for you - while others seem to have it so easy? This Bible Message is sent with the intention of revealing... measuring...and energizing you.

Friday Nov 14, 2014
Attending Satan's Synagogue
Friday Nov 14, 2014
Friday Nov 14, 2014
"Assemblies that worship God in spirit and in truth are the Israel of God; assemblies that either worship false gods, or the true God in a false manner, are the synagogue of Satan: though they may profess to be the only people of God, their profession is a lie." (Matthew Henry) There is a "church of the living God" and there is a "synagogue of Satan." One is the "pillar and ground of truth" while the other is the "pillar and ground of lies" - pretense, masquerading, and counterfeit. The church has been entrusted with a business - a duty or a privilege - if you will. She is to maintain truth...defend it from assaults of error...and transmit it safe and uncorruptible from generation to generation.

Friday Nov 07, 2014
Back On Course
Friday Nov 07, 2014
Friday Nov 07, 2014
Words have power! They have the power to set you on your course for life. But they also have the power to throw you off course! So many of God's people find themselves "off course" - either because of their own words or someone else's. Many have been ruined by an ungoverned tongue. Have you?

Friday Oct 31, 2014
My Very Own Revival
Friday Oct 31, 2014
Friday Oct 31, 2014
"David had learned two things concerning joy. First, there is only one source of joy. It is God Himself. Second, there is only one place where we can draw from that source. It is the altar. The altar is the place of sacrifice, the place of commitment and consecration, the place where our lives are laid down. Through the sacrifice we make at the altar, the joy that comes from God alone is released within us." (Derek Prince) Because they are facing difficult times, so many of God's people are crying out for an encounter with Him. But, He is saying in response that before they go to the "holy hill," they must first stop at the "altar" and settle the great controversy - "Whose will shall be followed here?" Have you been to the "altar" yet?

Friday Oct 24, 2014
Sleep Of Holy Confidence
Friday Oct 24, 2014
Friday Oct 24, 2014
"To live with fear and not be afraid is the final test of maturity." (Encyclopedia of Sermon Illustrations) Believe it or not! A person's sleep can tell us where his confidence lies and how strong that confidence is. David learned how to place his confidence in the Lord. Consequently, he was able to sleep the "sleep of holy confidence" - even in the midst of distressing circumstances, great danger, and terrifying foes. God wants the same for you. Find out how you can walk in the same confidence that David did and be free from all fear - even in the midst of terrifying times!

Friday Oct 17, 2014
A Call For Super-Intensity
Friday Oct 17, 2014
Friday Oct 17, 2014
"But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer." (1 Peter 4:7) "People naturally pray when they suppose that the end of all things is coming." (Barnes' Notes) Do you sense that the "end of all things" is near? Peter said that these times call for a commitment to prayer. Paul seemed to add that such times call for a super-intensity of prayer. Such intensity is needed in order to avert the evil coming against the Church today. God has promised to "pour out the spirit of grace and supplication" upon His people in order to enable them to reach that end. As a believer in Jesus, receive the Holy Spirit!

Friday Oct 10, 2014
Power To Get Wealth
Friday Oct 10, 2014
Friday Oct 10, 2014
"...Then the proposition...is self-evident: it is God that giveth power to get wealth, and to God the wealthy man must account for the manner in which he has expended the riches which God has given him." (Adam Clarke) Abraham, Isaac, and Job experienced firsthand the - "blessing of the LORD, it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it." They never allowed their wealth to cause them to forget God... become exalted in themselves...be lifted up in pride regarding their fellow man...become enamored with it...trust in it...or be deceived by it. On the contrary, they allowed their wealth to draw them into a closer walk with God. And that is His will for you as well!