
Friday Apr 10, 2015
Willing To Lose
Friday Apr 10, 2015
Friday Apr 10, 2015
"Where no knowledge of God is, what good can be expected?" (Matthew Henry) "And where men have not the true knowledge of God, what but evil can be expected from them?...men's ignorance of God is the cause of all their bad conduct one toward another." (Benson Commentary) Do you truly know God? Are you "valiant for the truth"? If you are, you can never sit content and see the truth being run down by those around you. You must appear in defense of it. "Are you willing to lose so the truth can win?" (Marilena Fackerall)

Friday Mar 27, 2015
Silence & Compliance Will Cost You
Friday Mar 27, 2015
Friday Mar 27, 2015
"Buddha never claimed to be God. Moses never claimed to be Jehovah. Mohammed never claimed to be Allah. Yet Jesus Christ claimed to be the true and living God. Buddha simply said, 'I am a teacher in search of the truth.' Jesus said, 'I am the truth." Confucius said, 'I never claimed to be holy.' Jesus said, 'Who convicts Me of sin?' Mohammed said, 'Unless God throw his cloak of mercy over me, I have no hope.' Jesus said, 'Unless you believe in Me, you will die in your sins.' " (Unknown) "Whom say ye that I am?" It is so important that you have a true estimate of Jesus. Without it, you will not be able to stand for Truth in this adulterous and sinful generation.

Friday Mar 20, 2015
Far Be It From Me
Friday Mar 20, 2015
Friday Mar 20, 2015
"Many people think they are all right because they are not committing outbreaking sins, while the counsels to which they are listening, and the associations to which they are lending themselves, are really undermining all their spiritual strength." (Biblical Illustrator) Who or what is influencing your thinking and attitudes? Where do you get your counsel? What is shaping your thinking? If the answer to these questions is not the Word of God, then it is - most likely - counsel actuated by demonic spirits and coming through the ungodly that is molding and shaping you today! Are you aware of this?

Friday Mar 13, 2015
Where Are The True Ministers?
Friday Mar 13, 2015
Friday Mar 13, 2015
"We see this in the church today, leaders refusing to call a spade a spade, and allowing the people to get involved in all kinds of evils. God rebuked His leaders back then and He is doing the same today." (Joe Guglielmo) All ministers have been given a "charge" - of which they will answer to the Lord Jesus as Judge - "at His appearing and His kingdom." That "charge" is to "Preach the Word" - not their own notions and fancies - not "corrupting" the message in order to please the people - in order to counterattack any and all "seducing spirits." They are also given the "charge" to "teach God's people" and "cause them to discern between the unclean and the clean" so as to easily identify any and all "doctrines of devils." Where are the True Ministers of today? Are you one of them?

Saturday Mar 07, 2015
Asking The Wrong Question
Saturday Mar 07, 2015
Saturday Mar 07, 2015
"It is to be lamented that He (God) is so little enquired after by the children of men. All are asking - Where is mirth? Where is wealth? Where is a good bargain? But none ask, Where is God my Maker?" (Matthew Henry) There is one word to describe our world today. That word is - "Oppressed"! "Many in the world are sorely oppressed." (Expositor's Bible Commentary) Yet, "none" are inquiring after God Who alone can give them relief in their darkest season. "Songs in the night come only from God..." (Charles Spurgeon)

Wednesday Feb 25, 2015
Will Not Follow The Queen
Wednesday Feb 25, 2015
Wednesday Feb 25, 2015
"For if we will not follow, do not follow, the Queen of Sheba, her example will follow us, even to the pursuing of us to the great judgment! She will condemn us, whose expectation, and effort, and interest, and liberal generosity were all inflamed by the fame of Solomon, while all the fame of Christ failed to waken our zeal." (Pulpit Commentary) What will the Queen of Sheba say about you - Will she commend you for your great zeal, passion, and sacrifice in pursuing after Jesus? Or will she condemn your cold, Laodicean, lukewarm indifference?

Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
Do Not Ignore This Call
Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
Tuesday Feb 17, 2015
The present-day enemies of the Church can be described in this way - they "breath out cruelty" ..."seek to slay the righteous"...and are "plotting against the just." This podcast is an ALARM to let you know that there is DANGER planned. It's time for the Church in America to pray like never before. If we will cry out to the Lord, He will hear us and not "give us as a prey to the teeth" of our enemies.

Tuesday Jan 27, 2015
Stopping Short Of
Tuesday Jan 27, 2015
Tuesday Jan 27, 2015
"Beware of stopping anywhere short of total surrender to God." (Oswald Chambers) "The greatness of a man's power is the measure of his surrender." (Henrietta Mears) Let me ask you today - Have you truly surrendered all to JESUS? How much does He control you? So many want God to bless them, yet they are living lives where He is not in 1st place. They don't realize that - "the condition of God's blessing is absolute total surrender - total surrender of everything into His hands..." (Bo Dunford)

Friday Jan 23, 2015
A Candidate For Deception
Friday Jan 23, 2015
Friday Jan 23, 2015
Did you know that there is a way to keep from being deceived by the "many deceivers" that "are entered into the world"? The Apostle John gave us the answer in 2 John 8 when he said - "Look to yourselves." But did you know that if you "look to yourselves" in the wrong way - selfishly - you actually open the door - so to speak - to becoming a candidate for deception? Are you a candidate for deception today?

Friday Jan 16, 2015
Withholding No Good Thing
Friday Jan 16, 2015
Friday Jan 16, 2015
God will never, ever give you what appears to be of use but turns out to be injurious or harmful to you. He will not mock you! Many have placed their trust in another to "deliver" "bread," a "fish," or an "egg" - only to receive that which was so harmful, hurtful, and painful in the end - a "stone," "serpent," or "scorpion." As a result, they have had a hard time in trusting the Lord for the "good things" that He has for them. God is calling you to "ask" Him for great and mighty things. "Ask" big! He is your Heavenly Father - Who far surpasses even the best of earthly fathers. He will "withhold no good thing" from you!