
Friday Jul 24, 2015
That's A Lie!
Friday Jul 24, 2015
Friday Jul 24, 2015
So many have made false inferences concerning their circumstances. Satan is behind this devious activity. He wants you to believe a lie. He wants to keep you in captivity for as long as he can. However, our prayer is that God will use this Bible Message to "set the captive free." Jacob, Naomi, and Job all made a false inference concerning their circumstances. But, they also came to the truth in the end. You can, too.

Friday Jul 17, 2015
Remedy For Hard Times
Friday Jul 17, 2015
Friday Jul 17, 2015
"Good people have no reason to envy the worldly prosperity of wicked people, nor to grieve or be uneasy about it. Because the prosperity of the wicked will soon be at an end." (Matthew Henry) "It is foolish to fret and rage and storm against the ungodly whom we see prospering, since they will certainly be cut off sooner or later - sooner rather than later." (Pulpit Commentary) In Psalm 37:1-3, 7&9, David issues a warning that every saint of God needs to heed in this hour. He also offers four (4) directives that will cause every believer to be victorious in such troublesome times.

Friday Jul 10, 2015
I Am With You
Friday Jul 10, 2015
Friday Jul 10, 2015
What difficulties or fears are you facing today? Begin to envision yourself as you really are - surrounded by the Presence of Immanuel - God with us! Did you know that the "simple but profound solution to all of your problems is believing"? (Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Commentary) Believing in God is the best antidote against a troubled heart or mind. In the midst of the fear of approaching evil, Jesus is giving you one of the greatest of His promises to claim; that is, - "I am with you!" And having Him with you, well, you have nothing to fear!

Friday Jun 26, 2015
Holiness At Any Cost
Friday Jun 26, 2015
Friday Jun 26, 2015
"Whatever there was in his heart, or in his thoughts, or in his manner and his conduct, displeasing to God, and which prevented his walking in the way of everlasting life - that the Psalmist was prepared to give up, holding nothing back." (Sermon Bible Commentary) If there ever was a time for the Church to "see God" in His power and glory, it is - NOW! However, the Holy Scriptures tell us that it is the "pure in heart" who shall see Him! With all that is going on in the world today, are you ready and willing to see the worst of yourself - to have "any wicked way" eradicated from your life? God will search you in "a way of mercy" or in "a way of wrath." Choose mercy and let Him have His way!

Friday Jun 12, 2015
Denial, Defense, or Declaration
Friday Jun 12, 2015
Friday Jun 12, 2015
"Sin is a subject that is continually avoided in our world today but the fact of the matter is that sin is real! Many Christians don't talk about it and many preachers don't preach about it...Sin - it is one of those things that people don't want to talk about..." (Pamela Rose Williams) "Man's way of dealing with sin is denial or defense. God's way is declaration." (Larry R. Moyer) "If there is anything worse than our sins, it is our infinite capacity to rationalize it away." (Charles Colson)

Friday May 22, 2015
There Is Still Hope For America
Friday May 22, 2015
Friday May 22, 2015
"Thus we Christians distinguish ourselves from the heathen, that, while they worship gods which they have made, we are worshipping the God that made us and all the world. And it is very proper to begin our prayers, as well as our creed, with the acknowledgment of this, that God is the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible." (Matthew Henry) In times of great trouble and distress, there were those in the Bible who cried out to God - addressing Him as the Maker of heaven and earth. Oftentimes, they did this to encourage and strengthen their faith. God, the Holy Spirit, is saying to the present-day Church (especially in America) - "Do likewise."

Friday May 15, 2015
Warning! Warning! Warning!
Friday May 15, 2015
Friday May 15, 2015
"We cannot be safe if we be secure. It concerns us at all times, but especially at some times, to be very cautious." (Matthew Henry) As one of His disciples, Jesus is warning you to watch against the prevailing love of ease and the selfishness of the age (that would be prevalent in the days before His return) lest you tread in the world's footsteps. He is warning you against two (2) dangerous sins - voluptuousness and earthly-mindedness - which would most certainly prevent you from being prepared for His coming. Watch over yourself very carefully! Can you hear His warning?

Friday May 01, 2015
A Time Of No Right Or Wrong
Friday May 01, 2015
Friday May 01, 2015
"Who can injure or destroy us? Sinners may be against us, and so may the great enemy of our souls, but their power to destroy us is taken away. God is more mighty than all our foes; and He can defend and save us." (Barnes' Notes) "Arise, shine, for thy light is come." (Isaiah 60:1) God is calling His Church to "Wake Up!" He is calling HIs Church to "Stand up & Speak out!" - to say what is right and what is wrong - in an hour when the wicked are seeking to erase the distinction between the two. It's time to be "bold under God!"

Friday Apr 24, 2015
Another Reformation Needed
Friday Apr 24, 2015
Friday Apr 24, 2015
"The great hatreds of sin among prophets, reformers, and martyrs have always been characterized by this pure flame and passion of love for man. All thought of self was consumed in their intense sense of justice. Because they loved the people, because they loved their city, because they loved their country, they faced the evil, they defied the wrong, they gave their lives in grand protest of their death against the sin of the world." (Biblical Illustrator) The Lord Jesus was a Reformer. A holy zeal to see His Father glorified moved Him to aggressively attack evil. As one of His followers, are you moved with the same kind of zeal? Do you sense the "urgency" of the times?

Saturday Apr 18, 2015
Can Never Be Destroyed
Saturday Apr 18, 2015
Saturday Apr 18, 2015
"The church that Jesus is building can never be destroyed nor successfully be resisted by Satan." (Life In The Spirit Study Bible) There is a Church that JESUS is building. It is one where He is the Rock - the one and only foundation on which it stands. He is the "chief corner stone" - whereby everything said and done lines up with Him - and His Holy Word. He is One Who "walks in the midst" of His Church - examining, overseeing, revealing, uncovering, correcting, reproving, rebuking, and judging what is right and what is amiss. Do you attend a church fitting this description? If so, the "gates of hell" "shall not prevail" against it.