
Wednesday Jan 27, 2016
There Should Be Progress
Wednesday Jan 27, 2016
Wednesday Jan 27, 2016
"Shall we not be concerned about our own growth? Shall we not be grieved if we do not grow in our views and feelings in reference to sin? The older we are as the children of God, the longer we have had fellowship with the Pure and Holy One, the more we should hate everything which is sinful. Shall we not be grieved if, as the months go by, we do not find ourselves more decided and resolute and settled in our religious convictions and habits? Shall we not be concerned if we are not gaining greater power over the sin which easily besets us? Shall we not be concerned if, we are not more humble, more heavenly-minded, more gentle and forgiving, more Christlike than we were?" (Biblical Illustrator)

Wednesday Jan 20, 2016
The Time Is Short
Wednesday Jan 20, 2016
Wednesday Jan 20, 2016
"Our days on this earth, at best 70 to 80 years, are few when compared to eternity. We should pray for a sober understanding of the brevity of our lives so as to present to God a heart of wisdom in how we use each day He gives us. This life should be a preparation for the next life, and we should determine what God wants to accomplish for Himself, our families, and others through our faithful service. When our time here is over and we reach heaven, how we lived or did not live in dedication to God will be evaluated. In that light, we must pray for a heart of wisdom, a righteous fear of God, and God's favor in our lives and in our work for Him." (Life In The Spirit Study Bible) Time is a precious trust that we have from God. Every moment must be looked upon as a precious grain of gold. "God works in Moments." (Great Texts Of The Bible) Are you "numbering your days" aright? Do you have a "heart of wisdom"?

Wednesday Jan 13, 2016
These Three Words
Wednesday Jan 13, 2016
Wednesday Jan 13, 2016
"There are times in our Christian lives when the Lord would have us do something that defies reason...Our task and our duty in life is to take God at His Word. If we stopped putting in our 'ifs' and 'buts,' then perhaps great blessings may attend our labour." (Apples Of Gold) "At Thy Word" has always been the watchword of the saints down through the ages. It has been "the password of all good men" from the beginning until now. God has not changed. Do you want SUCCESS in your endeavors? It begins and ends with - "At Thy Word"!

Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
In The Middle Of Nowhere
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Have you ever had the Lord give you an assignment or a direction in which to move forward? You started out on your journey only to meet with "darkness," "the feeling that God is nowhere to be found," and every "contrary wind" blowing at your vessel - determined to not only keep you from your destination but seemingly throw you so far out of God's will? Then you probably know what it feels like to be "in the middle of nowhere." Believe it or not! This is a great place to be! For it is in this place where Jesus manifests His Presence and Miracles abound!

Wednesday Dec 09, 2015
Are We Blind Also?
Wednesday Dec 09, 2015
Wednesday Dec 09, 2015
"If you will not humbly acknowledge your poverty and ignorance, and thankfully accept His grace, it is a righteous thing that He should leave you to become blinder than before. His glorious Gospel cannot leave you as it found you. It must be the savor of life unto life, or the savor of death unto death." (Pulpit Commentary) JESUS did not come into the world to judge but to save. However, "judgment" is the inevitable result for all who fail to receive Him. When the Truth (JESUS) is coming your way, you are either falling into one of two groups - the "seeing" or the "blind" - depending on how you receive that Truth!

Monday Nov 23, 2015
A Prophetic Word & Prayer
Monday Nov 23, 2015
Monday Nov 23, 2015
What are you "exalting" in your life? Are you "exalting" sickness, poverty, afflictions, problems, heartaches, hurts, offences, fears, trials, storms, mountains, giants, impossibilities, etc.? What do you talk about? What do you magnify? What seems so big right now? Whatever you "exalt" is that for which you are "preparing an habitation" - giving it a place in your life...making room for it...inviting it to come and do its work. Just imagine what happens when you "exalt" JESUS and "prepare an habitation for Him"?

Wednesday Nov 18, 2015
Answer God's Questions First
Wednesday Nov 18, 2015
Wednesday Nov 18, 2015
"' Where is He?' Such was the cry of the old world before Christ came. Men had lost sight of God; even the Jews, the chosen people, had corrupted themselves with idols, till the God of their fathers had become to them as a dream. Many a one, besides the men of Athens, had erected an altar to the unknown God. From the wise men seeking after the truth, from the captive groaning in his dungeon, from the sad watcher by the dying bed, the cry went up, 'Where is He? Where is God, that we might believe on Him?' " (Sermon Bible Commentary) Man is looking to God for answers to his questions. But God says, "I, too, have questions to be answered by man." Hear what the three questions are that He is asking both sinner and saint alike today!

Wednesday Nov 11, 2015
When Neutrality Becomes Criminal
Wednesday Nov 11, 2015
Wednesday Nov 11, 2015
"Christianity is aggressive. It is the duty of Christians, not merely to promote purity, and charity, and truth, etc. but to expose and attack the vices and wrongs of the world." (The Pulpit Commentary) Meroz came under a "curse" from the Lord simply because they did nothing. Multitudes of people are in the condition of Meroz. Are you?

Wednesday Nov 04, 2015
Will Wealth Keep Away The Tears?
Wednesday Nov 04, 2015
Wednesday Nov 04, 2015
"What can we do, any of us, when real calamities come? Will wealth or anything else keep away the tears? What will prevent the sorrows, deal with the sins, or enable us to be of good cheer in the face of death and disease, and to say, 'You cannot touch me!' Ah! there is but one thing that will do that for us. 'The name of the Lord is a strong tower.' " (Alexander MacLaren) Do you believe that today? Is this an operative belief in your life? Where do you run when trouble comes?

Wednesday Oct 28, 2015
Mankind's Cry In This Hour
Wednesday Oct 28, 2015
Wednesday Oct 28, 2015
"The king is revealed in the time of the flood. Smaller personalities appear kingly when the waters are smooth; they disappear at the flood...I will yield the crown of my obedience to the One Who proves to be king at the flood." (Biblical Illustrator) Why do we need a King? What is the cry of mankind in this hour? Has God provided a King in answer to man's cry? Has the world received God's King? Has the Church received God's King? What about you?