
Thursday May 19, 2016
Building A Refuge On Ice Blocks
Thursday May 19, 2016
Thursday May 19, 2016
In the olden days, a czar in Russia, was crazy enough to build a great palace upon the ice-blocks of the Neva River. When the spring came, and the foundations melted, the palace sank beneath the river. You may roll your eyes at this story, but you need to ask yourself - "Am I, like the Russian czar, building parts of my Christian life upon 'ice-blocks' not realizing that drastic 'changes' are coming upon the world? The "scornful men in Jerusalem" made "lies their refuge." But, what about you - when you "build your refuges on vain hopes, creatural affections, earthly possessions, or other false things"? (Alexander MacClaren) God promises that, if you will allow Him to "lay His foundation" in every area of your life, you will have no cause for alarm when the storms come...not be moved when troubles come...nor be filled with nervous apprehensions about the future of Christianity. Are you at that place yet? What have you not surrendered to Jesus?

Tuesday May 10, 2016
We Must Stand
Tuesday May 10, 2016
Tuesday May 10, 2016
"The text requires that having taken the field, we keep it. We may not retire to the ranks of those who refuse to fight; we must stand...We may be weak; but must stand. We may be weary; but must stand. We may be fearful; but must stand. We may be defeated in some single fight; but must stand. We may see others fall about us; but must stand. Many may desert our cause; but we must stand...Consternation may spread through the army of the Lord of hosts; but we must stand. It may seem as though all things were against us; but we must stand. The day of final triumph may seem long delayed...but we must stand..." (The Biblical Illustrator)

Friday Apr 29, 2016
The Lie In Me
Friday Apr 29, 2016
Friday Apr 29, 2016
This is a true and timely "word" from God for the Body of Christ. I was going an entirely different direction in preparing for this broadcast when the Lord "dropped" this "word" into my spirit. He then gave me the title for it. It is a strong but necessary message for all believers. I ask you to prepare your heart, humble yourself under God's mighty hand, and allow the Holy Spirit to shine His "spotlight" into the dark recesses of your being. If you will do so, you will be ready to receive the same revelation of God that David did - "Behold Thou desirest truth in the inward parts..."

Friday Apr 22, 2016
I Am Afraid
Friday Apr 22, 2016
Friday Apr 22, 2016
"It is a good maxim with which to go into a world of danger; a good maxim to go to sea with; a good maxim in a storm; a good maxim when in danger on the land; a good maxim when we are sick; a good maxim when we think of death and the judgment - What time I am afraid - I will trust in Thee." (Albert Barnes) There is a cry going forth in the world today. It is a "cry" coming from the hearts of mankind saying - "I am afraid." Fears are something that are common to all men. But it is how they react to their fears that makes the difference. Dr. Don Gommeson said it well - "Fear cannot hurt us if we treat it as an opportunity to trust in our God."

Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
What To Do In The Day Of Trouble
Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
Are we living in "a day of trouble" as the Bible calls it? Look around at the world today. Look at what is happening in America. We see major corruption going on in the elections as the Globalists are working behind the scenes to bring us closer to the New World Order. President Obama continues to stealthily slip in thousands (1,000s) of Syrian refugees (Many of them could possibly be Muslim terrorists or jihadists). More and more mosques are cropping up everywhere - some even replacing Christian churches in our neighborhoods. The homosexuals - the LGBT - are attempting to force their agenda down our throats with their transgender bathroom issue. So, I ask you - are we living in "a day of trouble" as the Bible calls it? And, if so, what are you as a Christian going to do about it? How will you handle what is going on around you?

Friday Mar 18, 2016
Never Hear The End Of It
Friday Mar 18, 2016
Friday Mar 18, 2016
"We shall find, when we reach the end of life, that all which God has done, however dark and mysterious it may have appeared at the time, was so connected with our good as to make it a proper subject of praise and thanksgiving." (Barnes' Notes) How important is it that you "forget not His benefits"? Romans 1:21 offers the answer - "Because that, when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened." "Forgetting" is something we are all guilty of doing. Prayerfully, this message will stir you to "keep yourself from forgetfulness."

Friday Mar 11, 2016
Blowing The Whistle On Sin
Friday Mar 11, 2016
Friday Mar 11, 2016
"So with all. In our backslidings, our afflictions, and our troubles, our only hope is that God will bring us back to Himself; our proper place is at the throne of mercy; our pleadings should be urgent, earnest, and constant, that He will interpose and have mercy on us; our solemn purpose - our expressed and recorded pledge - should be that if we are restored to God, we will wander no more." (Barnes' Notes) God must turn us, or we will not be turned - as an individual, church, or nation. He is giving you a "window" or "door" of opportunity. What will you do with it? How will you respond?

Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
Watch Out For This Man!
Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
Wednesday Feb 17, 2016
"...when we see the wicked indulging themselves in their lusts, and when, in consequence, doubts steal into our minds as to whether God takes any care of us, we should learn to satisfy ourselves with the consideration that God, Who hates and abhors all iniquity, will not permit them to pass unpunished, and although He bear with them for a time, He will at length ascend into the judgment seat, and show Himself an avenger, as He is the protector and defender of His people." (John Calvin) "Nothing is more constantly affirmed in the Scriptures than that God hates all forms of evil." (Barnes' Notes)

Wednesday Feb 10, 2016
We Shall Drift, Drift, Drift...
Wednesday Feb 10, 2016
Wednesday Feb 10, 2016
"'Drifting' is the thing to be afraid of. Just as some boat, not made fast to the bank, certainly glides down stream so quietly and with so little friction that her passengers do not know that they are moving until they come up on deck, and see new fields around them, so the 'things which we have heard,' and to which we ought to be moored or anchored, we shall drift, drift, drift, drift away from, and, in nine cases out of ten, shall not feel that we are moving, till we are roused by hearing the noise of the whirlpools and the falls close ahead of us; and look round and see a strange country." (Alexander MacLaren) Are you drifting today? Are you leaving Christ without knowing it?

Friday Feb 05, 2016
You Can't Move Me
Friday Feb 05, 2016
Friday Feb 05, 2016
Is it possible to get to a place in your walk with the Lord where you are not disturbed by fear...you are not moved by your circumstances...and you live quietly above the storms? Jesus said in John 14:27 - "...Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." But how many are experiencing this? Is it even possible - with all that is going on in the world today? In this broadcast, I want to show you that - not only is it possible - but I am going to share with you the "key" to how you can experience this in your life 24/7. If you will do what the Lord is directing in this message, you will be able to say to the devil and all of your enemies...to the world and the flesh - "You can't move me!"