
Wednesday Nov 30, 2016
When The Props Are Knocked Out
Wednesday Nov 30, 2016
Wednesday Nov 30, 2016
Have you ever had the props knocked out from beneath your feet? Have you ever had your confidences destroyed? The things or people you have depended on for so long are no longer there. Your trust must always be in God. Sometimes He allows your props to be knocked out from beneath your feet because He knows you cannot function effectively unless you are fully dependent on Him. He wants you to rest your weight fully on Him.

Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
Religion, Politics, & You
Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
"The people will have cause to rejoice or mourn according as their rulers are righteous or wicked; for, if the righteous be in authority, sin will be punished and restrained, religion and virtue will be supported and kept in reputation; but, if the wicked get power in their hands, wickedness will abound, religion and religious people will be persecuted, and so the ends of government will be perverted. The people will actually rejoice or mourn according as their rulers are righteous or wicked." (Matthew Henry) God does not separate "religion" (Christianity) and politics. Neither should we!

Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
When God Enters The Fight
Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
God fights for His people as they walk in faith and in obedience to His Word. He fights for them when their focus is solely on Him...when the odds are totally against them...and when they are carrying out His will. But, what happens when He enters the fight? Great and mighty acts break forth - so much so that the heathen take notice of it. The weak instantly become strong. At this time, no man can stand before the people of God. Fear overtakes their enemies.

Thursday Oct 20, 2016
A Disturbing Picture Of Our Society
Thursday Oct 20, 2016
Thursday Oct 20, 2016
"Sin culminates in universal falsehood. The intellectual aspect of sin is untruth. Every sin is a lie. The triumph of sin is the overthrow of all truth and trust." (The Pulpit Commentary) Do you know when sin is reaching its highest point or final stages in a society? Do you know how to tell when sin is triumphing in a nation? Here is a clue - see how the people are responding to truth. What are they doing with truth?

Tuesday Oct 11, 2016
Strange Church Goers
Tuesday Oct 11, 2016
Tuesday Oct 11, 2016
"Any theology that minimizes God's holiness and tolerates people's deliberate sinfulness is a false theology." (Warren Wiersbe) "How many professing Christians are there who regard little else than worldly things! How many who live only to acquire wealth, to gain honor, or to enjoy the pleasures of the world! How many are there who have no interest in a prayer meeting, in a Sunday School, in religious conversation, and in the advancement of true religion on the earth! These are the real enemies of the Cross." (Barnes' Notes)

Thursday Sep 29, 2016
Absolutely No Exchange
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
The nation was charged with having committed two evils which were figuratively described. First of all, they had forsaken Jehovah, "the fountain of living waters." Secondly, they had "hewed them out cisterns" which turned out to be "broken cisterns." Matthew Henry offered this comment - "But it may well be urged, to the reproach of Israel, that they, who were the only people that had no cause to change their God, were yet the only people that had changed Him." Have you forsaken JESUS - "the fountain of living waters"?

Friday Sep 23, 2016
Expecting God To Wear A Rotten Girdle
Friday Sep 23, 2016
Friday Sep 23, 2016
What about you? What does your relationship with Jesus look like today? Are you a linen girdle or a rotten, unwashed one? Have you - like so many - been deceived into thinking that God will still "wear" you - even though you are a rotten girdle? What does the Bible say? "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And I will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be My sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." (2 Corinthians 6:17-18)

Monday Sep 19, 2016
What Are You Searching For?
Monday Sep 19, 2016
Monday Sep 19, 2016
So many are searching for true happiness and fulfillment. Others are trying to gain more and more of the wealth of this world. And yet others are looking for answers to the many predicaments of life. The questions you must ask yourself as a Christian are - "What am I searching for today? What occupies the greatest amount of my time? What is my main pursuit in life?"

Thursday Sep 01, 2016
Your Weight On God's Scale
Thursday Sep 01, 2016
Thursday Sep 01, 2016
"The Lord alone is the Judge as to whether a man's ways are as clean as the man himself adjudges them. He alone, as the 'God of the spirits of all flesh,' can judge the attitudes and intentions. Thus, many of men's ways, which appear right to them, are not so in His holy eyes." (Unger's Commentary On The Old Testament) "There is no more sobering reflection for us than the thought that our own lives are weighed in the scales of God's righteousness. Every thought and word and act of life are put in the balance. And God's judgment is to be made manifest." (The Biblical Illustrator)

Friday Aug 26, 2016
This Will Increase Your Confidence
Friday Aug 26, 2016
Friday Aug 26, 2016
"Let us further illustrate by our lives these other words, 'Thine is the power,' let us endeavor to live practically in the faith that all power belongs to God. We are in a world of much confusion and difficulty, and we feel that we ourselves are weak and feeble; but surely our God is a God of power, powerful to preserve from evil, powerful to keep us from sin, powerful enough to give us peace in our death and a happy resurrection." (Sermon Bible Commentary) God speaks a certain message for a certain people at a particular time. That same message must be repeated over and over again before it gets a hold of the hearts of the people. The problem is - the heart is not prepared soil for the seed of the Word.