
Thursday Nov 09, 2017
You Have Nothing To Fear
Thursday Nov 09, 2017
Thursday Nov 09, 2017
In the last broadcast, we started our series on Resolutions as found in the Book of Psalms. We began with Psalm 23:4 and studied at length the valley of the shadow of death. We saw that in the face of Evil, David was able to say "I will fear no evil." In this broadcast, we want to look at the source of this bold resolve. God has a message for you in this podcast. He is saying that you have nothing to fear. You can face tomorrow. With a bold resolve, you, too, can say "I will fear no evil: for Jesus is with me."

Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Resolution #1
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Tuesday Nov 07, 2017
Here is my New Series entitled - "In The Beginning Was The Word." We are dealing with the theme of "Resolutions" as found in the book of Psalms. (If there was ever a day and an hour when the Church needed to have a made-up mind, it is NOW!) This initial resolution deals with David's resolve - "I will" - as found in Psalm 23:6.

Thursday Sep 21, 2017
How Are The Mighty Fallen!
Thursday Sep 21, 2017
Thursday Sep 21, 2017
"The first affections of men towards Christ, and holiness, and heaven, are usually lively and warm. God remembered the love of Israel's espousals, when she would follow Him whithersoever He went. These lively affections will abate and cool if great care be not taken, and diligently used, to preserve them in constant exercise. Christ is grieved and displeased with His people when He sees them grow remiss and cold towards Him, and He will one way or other make them sensible that He does not take it well from them." (Matthew Henry)

Friday Sep 08, 2017
Time To Get Real With God
Friday Sep 08, 2017
Friday Sep 08, 2017
"Hypocrites are such who seem to and would be thought to be, what they are not; they are outwardly righteous before men, but inwardly very wicked; have a form of godliness, but are destitute of the power of it; pretend to much religion, and to be worshippers of God, when it is only in outward appearances; and not in reality, and sincerity: and such as these have been in the congregations of the righteous, in all ages." (John Gill)

Thursday Aug 24, 2017
When God Says - I Will
Thursday Aug 24, 2017
Thursday Aug 24, 2017
"When God says, 'I will,' His resolution is supported by omnipotence...When God says, 'I will,' it is sealed with immutability. We are always changing...But God never changes. When God says, 'I will,' it will be carried out in faithfulness." (Charles Spurgeon)

Thursday Aug 10, 2017
Temple Of God In A Corrupt Society
Thursday Aug 10, 2017
Thursday Aug 10, 2017
"As the temple of God in the midst of a corrupt society, God's people in Corinth were not to participate in the evils prevalent in that society, but were to reject all forms of immorality. God's temple must be holy because God is holy." (Life In The Spirit Study Bible) You are the "temple of God." God dwells in you. And where God dwells, there is His temple. How will this revelation change the way you conduct yourself - the way you live? How will it change the way you worship?

Thursday Jul 27, 2017
Watch Out For The Endtime Seduction!
Thursday Jul 27, 2017
Thursday Jul 27, 2017
"Man does not stand isolated in this world. If he is not influenced by the Holy Spirit, he is influenced by the spirits of delusion, who are the emissaries of Satan. If we are not possessed by the truth, error will make an easy conquest of us." (The Pulpit Commentary) Are you aware of this? Do you realize this?

Thursday Jul 13, 2017
Two Negative Reactions To Miracles
Thursday Jul 13, 2017
Thursday Jul 13, 2017
"Christ's disciples are often to be blamed for the shallowness of their understandings, and the slipperiness of their memories...We are therefore perplexed with present cares and distrusts, because we do not duly remember our former experiences of divine power and goodness." (Matthew Henry)

Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Saying "No" To God!
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
"Jonah was a faithful prophet as long as God wanted what Jonah wanted. But when God's marching orders went contrary to Jonah, he would not do what he was told." (The Preacher's Commentary) "Christian, do not play the Jonah, unless you wish to have all the waves and the billows rolling over your head. You will find in the long run that it is far harder to shun the work and will of God than to at once yield yourself to it." (Charles Spurgeon)

Thursday Jun 15, 2017
A Time To Make Waves
Thursday Jun 15, 2017
Thursday Jun 15, 2017
"Our conversation is of far more consequence than some men imagine." (Charles Spurgeon) "Whatever I speak to you is for the benefit of mankind - keep nothing from them, declare explicitly the whole counsel of God." (Adam Clarke)