
Saturday Jun 02, 2018
The Portion I Make Choice Of
Saturday Jun 02, 2018
Saturday Jun 02, 2018
"Most men take the world for their chief good, and place their felicity in the enjoyments of it; but this I say, The Lord is the portion of my inheritance and of my cup, the portion I make choice of, and will gladly take up with, how poor soever my condition in this world. Let me have the love and favor of God, and be accepted of Him; let me have the comfort of communion with God...let me have an interest in His promises, and a title by promise to everlasting life and happiness in the future state; and I have enough, I need no more, I desire no more, to complete my felicity." (Matthew Henry)

Saturday May 26, 2018
At All Times
Saturday May 26, 2018
Saturday May 26, 2018
"There is great power in praising. It leads one away from self-consciousness. Praise is a very strengthening thing. Our Lord strengthened Himself for the last conflict by praise. The spirit of praise is the very essence of heaven, and the man who lives in praise, will live in 'heavenly places in Christ Jesus.' " (Sermon Bible Commentary) Do you need "great power" to face or to bring down your enemies? Do you need strength to endure the trials or afflictions that you are presently facing? Praise will elevate you to "heavenly places in Christ JESUS" where you will find all that you need.

Saturday May 19, 2018
Capital Crime Of The Lord's People
Saturday May 19, 2018
Saturday May 19, 2018
"Whether you will or no, I will; I will praise Him, if I am alone in doing so; I will praise Him with my whole heart - with all the fervor, spirituality, and sincerity with which I am endowed; I will praise the Lord with all my heart..." (The Biblical Illustrator) In this broadcast, we are continuing the theme of Resolutions in our new series entitled - "In The Beginning Was The Word." In this particular broadcast, we will cover the new subject of "Praising The Lord" as we deal with Resolution #19 as found in Psalm 86:11-12 which says - "Teach me Thy way, O LORD; I will walk in Thy truth: unite my heart to fear Thy name. I will praise Thee, O LORD my God, with all my heart..."

Friday May 11, 2018
If Not The Lord, Then What?
Friday May 11, 2018
Friday May 11, 2018
Man is a creature of strong affections. His feelings cling round the objects of his choice like ivy round a tree. Through sin, these affections are misplaced. He loves the things which he should hate, and hates the things which he should love; forsakes the true God, and pursues lovers of his own. He must love, he will worship something; 'that I may win' is the desire of every soul. Wealth, honor, position, and learning are eagerly sought, loved for their own sake, and for the sake of what they are thought to give. Thus men are seeking happiness where it cannot be found..." (Preacher's Homiletic Commentary) In this particular broadcast (and final episode on "Seeking The Lord"), we will do something different. We will look at examples in the Bible of those who "sought not the LORD." Then we will look at some of the things people did seek after when the LORD was not in the picture.

Wednesday May 02, 2018
God Doesn't Want Vomit Worship
Wednesday May 02, 2018
Wednesday May 02, 2018
"But the heart must not be divided with many objects if the Lord is to be sought by us." (Charles Spurgeon) "God in everything requires the heart, the undivided heart." (Biblical Illustrator) Many people are seeking the Lord, but how are they doing it? In everything, God requires the heart. Proverbs 23:26 says - "My son, give Me your heart..." God knows that when He has your heart, He has everything. However, He wants your "whole heart." He doesn't want a "divided heart" with many objects. In everything, He requires the undivided heart. Are you giving Him what He requires?

Tuesday Apr 17, 2018
Fear Rides On Words
Tuesday Apr 17, 2018
Tuesday Apr 17, 2018
"Many people are gripped and even managed by their fear. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of rejection, fear of losing control. Fear is a gripping force for many. Yet when we seek the LORD, He delivers us from fear." (Pastor Dave Whitehead) Fear is one of the enemy's most powerful weapons that he uses against us. It looks for a channel into your heart. Oftentimes that channel is other people's words. Be aware of this! Recognize the enemy's tactics here!

Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Might For The Most Furious Assault
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
"You have many enemies, cunning and strong; many trials, too great for your natural strength; many temptations, which no human power is able successfully to resist; many duties to perform, which cannot be accomplished by the strength of man; therefore you need Divine Strength; you must have might; and you must be strengthened every where, and every way fortified by that might; mightily and most effectually strengthened." (Adam Clarke) "Our enemies are numerous, violent, and obstinate, and our infirmities are many. We therefore need strength of every kind. As it is necessary to overcome all our enemies, so it is necessary to be endued with all might - might to endure the most furious assault, might to resist the most bewitching solicitation of evil." (The Preacher's Homiletic Commentary)

Friday Mar 23, 2018
The Cure For Frustration
Friday Mar 23, 2018
Friday Mar 23, 2018
"No really good thing shall be denied to those whose first and main end in life is to seek the Lord." (Charles Spurgeon) Are you looking for good things in life to come your way? Do you feel as though there is much that you are yet lacking? Are you feeling totally frustrated because your efforts seem to be in vain? Let me ask you - what is your first and main end in life? Is it to seek the Lord? Because if it is, "no really good thing shall be denied" you! You can count on that! That's Bible!

Thursday Mar 15, 2018
This Is God's Question
Thursday Mar 15, 2018
Thursday Mar 15, 2018
"God's all-seeing, all-piercing eyes scrutinize the whole human race. Is there one who shows discernment in thought and act, one to whom fellowship with God is the highest good, and consequently that after which he strives? - this is God's question, and He delights in such persons, and certainly none such would escape His longing search." (Keil & Deliitzsch Old Testament Commentary) In this broadcast, we are continuing the theme of Resolutions in our new series entitled - "In The Beginning Was The Word." In this particular broadcast, we will once again cover the subject of "Seeking The Lord" as we deal with Resolution #13 as found in Psalm 14:2 which says - "The LORD looked down from heaven, upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God."

Tuesday Mar 06, 2018
Pride Is Keeping You From God's Best
Tuesday Mar 06, 2018
Tuesday Mar 06, 2018
"Pride is at the root of all the atheism, theoretical or practical, on the earth; at the root of all the reluctance which there is to seek the favor of God; at the root, therefore, of the misery and wretchedness of the world." (Barnes' Notes) In this broadcast, we are continuing the theme of Resolutions in our new series entitled - "In The Beginning Was The Word." In this particular broadcast, we will once again cover the subject of "Seeking The Lord" as we deal with Resolution #12 as found in Psalm 10:4 which says - "The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts."