
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Hear What God Is Saying
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Friday Jun 07, 2019
Is your life a life of listening to God? Or, are you more concerned about what man, self, or the world has to say? Are you guilty of giving a willing ear to all others but a closed ear to God?

Thursday May 23, 2019
There Is No Room For Despair
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
No matter how hopeless your condition may be in the sight of men, there is no room for despair. All things are possible to God. You have a promise of restoration. JESUS is as good as He is powerful. Hope therefore in Him.

Monday May 06, 2019
Are You Truly Walking Before The Lord?
Monday May 06, 2019
Monday May 06, 2019
"To walk in the land of the living is the wicked man's desire, yea, were it possible he would walk here for ever; but for what end? Only to enjoy his lusts, have his fill of pleasure, and increase his wealth; whereas the godly man's aim in desiring to live is that he may 'walk before God,' advance His glory, and perform His service." (Charles Spurgeon) What does it mean to "walk before God"? What does it entail? Do you realize that it is your duty to "walk before the Lord" - to do all that you do as in His Presence and under His eye? Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob did it! David, Solomon, and Hezekiah did it! So can you! You can "walk before the LORD in the land of the living" because the LORD your God, before Whom you walk, is Almighty, keeps covenant, and has done so much for you in the past. He will not stop now from "keeping your feet from falling."

Friday Mar 29, 2019
Ask For An Inclination
Friday Mar 29, 2019
Friday Mar 29, 2019
"Many are inclined to preach, but the Psalmist was inclined to practice; many are inclined to perform ceremonies, but he was inclined to perform statutes; many are inclined to obey occasionally, but David would obey alway, and, alas, many are inclined for temporary religion, but this godly man was bound for eternity, he would perform the statutes of his Lord and King even unto the end. Lord, send us such a heavenly inclination of heart as this: then shall we show that Thou hast quickened and taught us." (Treasury Of David) Are you having problems obeying the Lord in a certain area? Is God requiring something that you are finding to be very difficult at this time? You have not because you ask not! Ask for an inclination! God wants to help you to where your obedience is easy and a delight!

Friday Mar 15, 2019
Why Am I So Miserable?
Friday Mar 15, 2019
Friday Mar 15, 2019
"Luther counsels every Christian to answer all temptations with this short saying, 'Christianus sum,' I am a Christian; and I would counsel every Christian to answer all temptations with this short saying,'The Lord is my portion.' O Christian, when Satan or the world shall tempt thee with honors, answer, 'The Lord is my portion'; when they shall tempt thee with riches, answer, 'The Lord is my portion'; when they shall tempt thee with preferments, answer, 'The Lord is my portion'...yea, and when this persecuting world shall threaten thee with the loss of thy estate...with the loss of thy liberty...with the loss of friends...and...with the loss of life, answer, 'The Lord is my portion...' " (The Treasury Of David)

Thursday Feb 28, 2019
When Second Thoughts Are Not Best
Thursday Feb 28, 2019
Thursday Feb 28, 2019
"We are too often in haste to sin; O that we may be in a greater hurry to obey...To be slow to keep the commands is really to break them. There is much evil in a lagging pace when God's command is to be followed...Many are zealots to obey custom and society, and yet they are slack in serving God. It is a crying shame that men should be served post haste, and that God's work should have the go by, or be performed with dreamy negligence." (The Treasury Of David) Are you slow in keeping God's commandments? Are you slack in serving God? Do you find that you serve men post haste, yet perform God's work with dreamy negligence?

Friday Feb 15, 2019
Getting Rid Of The Bad Guys
Friday Feb 15, 2019
Friday Feb 15, 2019
"Whatever others do, this I will do; though I be singular, though all about me be evil-doers, and desert me; Whatever I have done hitherto, I will for the future walk closely with God. They are the commandments of God, of my God, and therefore I will keep them. He is God and may command me, my God, and will command me nothing but what is for my good." (Matthew Henry) It's time for separation. It's time to separate from everyone and everything that is hindering your obedience to God. It's time to be resolved - to make up your mind that you will obey God. For you do not want to hear the words of the Master when separating from you and saying - "Depart from Me, ye that work iniquity, I never knew you."

Saturday Feb 09, 2019
The Secretariat Christian
Saturday Feb 09, 2019
Saturday Feb 09, 2019
"It is the mark of a growing Christian that in his view Christ increases; the mark of a great Christian that to him Christ is very great. Augustine, Bernard, Leighton, Rutherford, Owen, Martyn - were these great Christians? And what had they in common? Large and admiring thoughts of Christ...A great Christian is one to whom the Lord has given 'largeness of heart.' " (The Pulpit Commentary) Secretariat - the American thoroughbred racehorse - was able to break all records and run at phenomenal speed because he had an enlarged heart. That's the way God wants you to run for Him - to obey Him. The secret of your speed, power, and progress will be the enlargement of your heart. When God enlarges your heart, you will have no problem running for Him at breakneck speed - like Secretariat - breaking all records.

Friday Feb 01, 2019
Crawling When You Should Be Running
Friday Feb 01, 2019
Friday Feb 01, 2019
"The peril of the godly life is drifting into ease and indifference; the doing of religious duties as mere routine; the meeting of religious obligations listlessly and without heart...We must not rest without energy and activity in the religious life. A formal obedience should be as distressing to us as it is to God." (The Pulpit Commentary) Where are you today in your Christian walk? Have you drifted into ease and indifference? Are you doing your Christian duties as mere routine? Are you meeting your Christian obligations listlessly and without heart? Are you giving God a formal obedience? Are you crawling when you should be running? "Progress and improvement are every man's duty. It is not right to remain as we were, or as we are. We ought to be all the time gaining and growing in experience and attainment and grace. It may be to our shame that we are just where God put us, and that we have just what God gave to us." (The Biblical Illustrator)

Friday Jan 25, 2019
What Are You Thinking?
Friday Jan 25, 2019
Friday Jan 25, 2019
"The great end of religion is active obedience to the will of God. True understanding of our ways brings the grand conclusion - that man's 'way ought to be God's way.' We are forgiven in order to this." (The Pulpit Commentary) Are you aware of the fact that the great end - the bottom line, the conclusion, the target, the resolution - of Christianity is active obedience to the will of God? Not passive obedience! But active obedience! Not to self will or the will of man! But active obedience to the will of God! Do you have a true understanding of your way? Do you understand that your way ought to be God's way? You can get to the "great end of active obedience." I offer you two (2) directives as found in God's Word. Listen to this challenging message to find out what they are!